Voiding Dysfunction and Urinary Incontinence Polyclinic

Voiding Dysfunction and Urinary Incontinence Polyclinic

It provides service on weekdays during working hours in Ankara City Hospital Oncology Building (MH-6) on the B1 floor, Block E

Diseases causing voiding dysfunction and urinary incontinence are diagnosed, treated and followed in our polyclinic. Urodynamic studies such as cystometry, uroflowmetry, pressure flow can be performed which has an important role in the diagnosis of voiding dysfunction and urinary incontinence in our Uro-assistance Unit (MH-6, B1 Floor, Block E) connected to our polyclinic.

What is voiding dysfunction?

Normal cycle of urination consists of filling and emptying of urinary bladder. In addition, strenght of sphincter in muscle form which is located at the bottom of the bladder is very important in the process. Nerve conduction and reflexes provide cycles of urination through brain, brain stem, spinal cord and urinary bladder. Diseases in those structures disrupt the normal cycle of urination, causing complaints of the patient about voiding dysfunction to emerge.

What are the complaints about voiding dysfunction?

Diurnal polyuria, nocturnal polyuria, urinary urgency, difficulty urinating, urinary retention and urinary incontinence.

What is urinary continence?

Urinary incontinence is a state of all types of uncontrollable and involuntary urination. Urinary incontinence mostly occurs through urinary tract, but it can also occur through large intestine, skin or female genitalia (vagina) in some specific cases called urinary fistula.

What are the types of urinary incontinence?

Stress incontinence: conditions suddenly increasing intraabdominal pressure such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, suddenly standing up Urge incontinence: urinary incontinence before getting to the bathroom associated with a sudden and unpreventable urge to urinate. Mixed incontinence: tress incontinence and urge incontinence are observed together. Overflow incontinence: When a person cannot feel despite his/her urinary bladder is full so urine volume exceeding the capacity of urinary bladder is stored overflow incontinence is seen. Total incontinence: Continuous incontinence night and day Bedwetting: It a condition which a child turned 6 wets his/her bed during sleep at night

What are the conditions causing voiding dysfunction and urinary incontinence?

Conditions such as excessive intake of beverages containing caffeine such as tea, coffee and energy drinks, overhydration, antihypertensive, myorelaxant drugs, urinary tract infections and constipation may cause temporary voiding dysfunction and temporary urinary incontinence. Pregnancy in women, childbirth, menopause, hysterectomy, pelvic floor muscle weakness, pelvic organ prolapse into the vagina such as bladder, uterus, rectum and small intestines, bladder pain syndrome, overactive bladder, neurologic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, strokes, spinal cord injuries after trauma or surgery, brain tumors, Parkinson's, bladder stones and tumors, prostate stones and tumors, urethra stones and tumors obstructing urinary tract and undergone bladder, prostate and urethra surgeries may cause voiding dysfunction and urinary incontinence.

How can you undergo examination in Voiding Dysfunction and Urinary incontinence Polyclinic?

You can take a queue ticket from the kiosks located on the ground and polyclinic floors or the secretary admission desks. You can make appointment via internet (MHRS) for examination.

What types of treatment do you need in voiding dysfunction and urinary incontinence related diseases?

Weight loss, quit smoking, life style changes including regulation of fluid intake, bladder training, pelvic floor exercises, conservative treatments, pharmacotherapy, hormonotherapy, intravesical (into the bladder) treatments and surgical treatments may be needed.

What are the surgical treatment techniques applied in voiding dysfunction and urinary incontinence related diseases in our hospital?

Surgeries based on the basis of bladder neck and urethra support
Transobturator tape (TOT) surgery
Transvaginal tape (TVT) surgery
Sacral Neuromodulation (Bladder Pacemaker) implantation
Urinary Bladder Botox Injection
Interstitial cystitis cystoscopy, hydrodistention and bladder biopsy in bladder pain syndrome
Prolapsed Bladder Supporting (cystocele repair)
Bladder augmentation surgeries (augmentation cystoplasty, detrusor myomectomy)
Fistula repairing (vaginal, laparoscopic and robotic vesicovaginal fistula repairing)
Repairing prolapse of the upper part of vagina in women who undergo hysterectomy
Laparoscopic and Robotic sacrocolpopexy
Surgical treatment techniques applied for urinary incontinence in males:
Transobturator ve Retropubic Sling
Adjustable Male Sling
Artificial Urinary Sphincter