Pediatric Radiology

Our department acquired the title of training clinic and authorized for Pediatric Radiology Clinic Subspecialty Residency Training under the training and administrative responsibility of Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Seçil Ekşioğlu on the date of 02/10/2020. by the resolution of Turkish Board of Medical Specialties (TUK) (no: 1640)

Residential Area and Equipment:

Our department is located on the ground floor in The Children's Hospital MH4 having a separate imaging area from The General Radiology. It has a separate Medical Device Park where imaging via featured protocols is implemented for the patients who apply to The Children's Hospital.

In our Department;

1 1.5T MRI Machine (GE SIGNA Explorer) (Imaging is implemented with anesthesia three days per week)

1 64-multislice detector CT (GE Revolution)

5 Doppler-Ultrasound Device (GE Logic Expert S7 and S8)

7 PACS Stations and 1 Workstation In Total

1 Digital X-Ray Device (GE XR-646 Optima)

Scoping reviews are conducted in GE Brand Connexity Model Digital Scope Machine half-day.

Performed Tests

MH4 Children's Hospital has 600 bed capacity, having all the pediatric subspecialty training clinics. Inpatient wards, 3 pediatric intensive care units, 1 Pediatric Surgery ICU, 1 Burn ICU, 1 Neonatal ICU and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit.

Special patient groups from all the provinces and nearby centers are referred to our department as have a wide spectrum of patients. 18.409 MRI, 4.784 CT, 46.641 Doppler-Ultrasound Imaging are conducted based on 2020 data.

Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG), Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) in our Fluoroscopy Unit, Colonography, Small bowel Follow-through Graphy,          fistulography, Distal Colostogram X-Ray Imaging, real-time direct diaphragm tracking.

Our training clinic is integrated with all the pediatric subspecialty clinics on working basis. Multidisciplinary Doctors Meeting is assembled together with Pediatric Oncology, Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Neurology.

Our department primarily carries out and takes part in a great number of ongoing scientific studies, aiming at making a contribution to pediatric radiology literature. Our Pediatric Radiology Clinic also closely follows the academic activities of Turkish Society of Pediatric Radiology and the community of Pediatric Radiology and actively supports them.

Our Doctors:

Our Pediatric Radiology Department consists of a core team of 7 powerful specialists in total including 4 pediatric radiologist as one of them is a teaching fellow in pediatrics and 3 general radiologist who are experienced in the field of Pediatric Radiology. (you can click ''our doctors'' for resumes and selected studies)

Our Mission:

Our aim is to be a center where patient satisfaction is met, accurate results in every field are received in a short span of time takes diagnostic adequacy to the next level and to establish a Pediatric Radiology Clinic where is ethically strong and technologically and scientifically equipped, aiming for the best in residency and subspecialty fellowship training.

Our Values:

Our primary value is child love and the importance of child care.

Ethical rules, team spirit, collaborating with clinics, good communication skills, scientific and academic development, lifelong learning as well as teaching and improvement and embedding vision are distinguished values in which our whole team adopt.


Residents who specialize in our department in Ankara City Hospital are on rotation on a regular basis while residents from other nearby hospitals for the purpose of training officially participate in rotations and regularly almost each month. Assistant-oriented theoretical and practical training continue regularly. Additionally, training of residents who are under training in Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery is continuously supported via both theoretical classes and planned courses by our department.

Our department is going to welcome subspecialty residents for the first time this year (2021) as our equipment is ready for subspecialty training. We aim that our specialists who complete subspecialty fellowship training are going to be trained to be pediatric radiologists who are  scientifically well rounded, having a wider vision, being open to improvement, achieving to be an instructor and a student simultaneously, being adaptable for multidisciplinarity collaboration, attaching importance to team work, having the ability of analytical and scientific thinking, showing perseverance for academic progression.

Case discussions, literature hours, multi-clinic meeting hours, theoretical classes, alongside the general rotation schedule, elective rotations to be planned in accordance with the interests of the residents are included in subspecialty fellowship training programs. We support to have a mentality of interactive and continuous education being expanded to almost every single day. Besides, active participation in numerous scientific studies which have been carrying by our clinic is expected.