Pediatric Health Committee (ÇÖZGER)

ÇÖZGER stands for abbreviation of certificate for special needs children. The process and the content of Health Committee Certificate For The Disabled were updated by the instrument of the legislation published in Official Gazette The Republic of Türkiye (date of publication: 20.02.2019/date of issue: 30692) Children under 18-year-old are under this legislation. A new approach was taken to the evaluations of children and reporting process. Special needs defined in ÇÖZGER refer to need for health, education, rehabilitation, device, orthosis, prosthesis, environmental adjustments and the other social and economic rights and services different from individuals who don't have physical or developmental disability for a child to engage in communal living equally. The Ratings Of Special Needs defined in the certificate stand for children who are classified as disabled. Henceforth, the disability rating, expression of ''disabled'' or ''severely disabled'' which offends the individual or the family and definitions which may cause prejudice or discrimination in the report were deleted. Time limitation on ÇÖZGER Committees was placed in order to expedite the reporting process. Certificates are delivered to the relevant person when the reporting is finalized right after the individual's application within 30 days maximum.