Emergency Service Pandemic Procedures
We are a big family as Ankara City Hospital Emergency Service. Our family has 10 education staff, 16 specialists, 60 physician assistants and 300 medical attendants. During the period of pandemic, in the direction of the orders of The Ministry of Health, the procedures of emergency service and the organization of the areas have been arranged rapidly. We evaluate patients diagnosed with CO-VID-19 separately in different areas by the first day of the pandemic. While our emergency department is working routinely, a new outpatient examination area that consists of 5 polyclinics, 1 blood collection, 1 ECG and vital room has been opened for co-vid-19 patients. In the front triage, our patients are scanned by termal camera with complaint history investigation and transferred to this area. We have a separate X-Ray and CT Scan for these patients. PCR test is performed in a separate sampling room under the best conditions. Moreover, 4 different observation arenas were opened specific to these patients, the infection diseases department visits the patient if necessary and hospitalizations are carried out in the rooms of the blocks reserved for these patients. All suggestions by The Ministry of Health are implemented meticulously considering our national fight with the global pandemic. Patients diagnosed with co-vid-19 or suspected of having co-vid-19 in critical condition or arrival by ambulance are evaluated in the critical patient arenas equipped with the latest technology and negative pressure and consisting of separate compartments for each in our fight with the global pandemic. Stay at home, we are ready.