Opening speech of the event was made by Coordinator Chief Physician and Academician Dr. Aziz Ahmet Surel, Organ Donation and Transplantation Unit Supervisor Physician Doctor Hayriye Cankar Dal, Organ and Composite Tissue Transplantation Center Responsible Manager Prof. Dr. Erdal Birol Bostancı and a member of Presidency of Religious Affairs, High Board of Religious Affairs Dr. Halil Kılıç
The event continued with the organ and Composite Tissue Transplant Center Studies themed presentations targeting the impacts of organ donation on human life made by Liver Transplantation Center Supervisor Physician Prof. Dr. Musa Akoğlu, Heart Transplantation Center Supervisor Physician Prof. Dr. Ümit Kervan, Lung Transplantation Center Supervisor Physician Prof. Dr. Erdal Yekeler, Kidney Transplantation Center Supervisor Physician Associate Professor Erkan Ölçücüoğlu, Composite Tissue Transplantation Center Supervisor Physician Prof. Dr. Ramazan Erkin Ünlü
Hakan Taşıyan the vocal artist who underwent liver and kidney transplant in Ankara City Hospital and discharged in May participated in the event. Taşıyan thanked all the staff who contributed during his treatment process. Expressing that he started a new life, Taşıyan issued a call for being a glimmer of hope for the patients waiting for organ donation. The previous patients who underwent transplantation in our hospital shared their feelings and thoughts.Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Guitar Artist Eren Sualp performed a music concert during the event and the event ended with ''Each donation means A New Life'' themed art gallery by Deputy Coordinator Chief Physician Specialist Dr. Süha Şen and General Surgery Physician Dr. Merve Gül Kasım.