On the first day of the course, our doctors made their presentations titled as bellow;
Assoc. Prof. Erol Aksoy, "The Role of Laparoscopy in the Treatment of Colon and Rectum Cancer", Prof. Dr. Keşşaf Aşlar "Surgical Anatomy of the Colon and Rectum", Prof. Dr. Yusuf B. Özoğul "The Layout of the Operating Room, Instruments, Port Locations in Right and Left Hemicolectomy, Sigmoidectomy and Rectal Surgery", Op. Dr. Erol Pişkin “Surgical Techniques in Laparoscopic Right-Left Hemicolectomy and Sigmoidectomy”, Assoc. Dr. Volkan Öter “Robotic Colon Rectum Resection” and Prof. Dr. Erdal Birol Bostancı “Laparoscopic Anterior, Low Anterior and Abdominoperineal Surgical Techniques”.
On the second day of the course, live surgeries were performed with the participants.
Robotic Low Anterior Resection was performed by Assoc. Dr. Volkan Öter and Op. Dr. Erol Pişkin, Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy/CME/Intracorporeal anastomosis was performed by Op. Dr. Erol Pişkin, and Laparoscopic Anterior Resection was performed by Assoc. Dr. Kadri Çolakoğlu and Assoc. Dr. Erol Aksoy.
At the end of the course, certificates were presented to the participating physicians.