The biliary tract obstruction of Mina, who was risky to have surgery, was opened with a magnet

The biliary tract obstruction of Mina, who was risky to have surgery, was opened with a magnet

8-year-old Mina Kara, who had a previous surgery due to bile duct obstruction, was at risk of having a second operation, and could not go to school due to health problems caused by the same disease, regained her health with the applied magnet method.


Ankara City Hospital Gastroenterology Specialist Prof. Dr. Bülent Ödemiş said that Mina, who had an operation 2 years ago due to her illness, the bile duct could not be opened and the bile could not flow as it should.Prof. Dr. Bülent Ödemiş stated that this situation caused health problems in Mina, negatively affected her nutrition and development, and said that the patient had to be hospitalized dozens of times.


Explaining that a tube was tied by opening a way in the abdomen so that the bile could be thrown out, Prof. Dr. Bülent Ödemiş said, "Mina's life with two tubes coming out of her stomach caused different problems. Because this situation prevented her from playing games, going to school and social life."

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