Dementia Polyclinic (Geriatrics)
According to the data of Turkish Statistical Institute, the rate of the population aged 65 and over has grown up to %9.5 The elderly population has a gradual increase. It is expected that this rate is going to be %11 in 2025 and %22.6 in 2060 in the population projections. The life expectancy has increased, leading to an increase in chronic diseases. Thus, management of health issues of the elderly patients become more important day by day.
Dementia is usually characterized by amnesia, affecting the individual's cognitive functions and daily life, progressing to loss of nerve cells and white matter reduction as it is an umbrella diagnosis including all types of brain tissue diseases. The great majority of dementia patients consist of Alzheimer's Disease in the society.
Dementia patients not only show findings of memory problems, but also personality change, inappropriate behaviors in the crowd, tetchiness, suspiciousness, misplacing things, losing things, asking the same things again and again, telling the spoken words again and again, having difficulty in finding words, reduced vocabulary size, impaired judgement, having difficulty in the management of financial affairs, forget to pay bills, unnecessary expenses, loss of interest in the surroundings, declined sense of direction, confusion over the addresses, being confused about the addresses, decline in concentration skills, loss of desire, sleeping disorders, rapid mood swings, experiencing illusion-hallucination. Findings may be changed based on the type of dementia and the affected brain part. Alzheimer's Disease is a progressive disease. It is a disease which results in progressive disability, impairment of physical functions, increase in the dependency in daily life, swallowing and chewing problems in the advanced stages, nutrition disorders, increased infections and death. In fact, Alzheimer's Disease affecting brain tissue starts years ago (10-25 years ago) before the first complaints start. Thus, complaints shouldn't be ignored, because early admission and early diagnosis are very important.
Dementia Polyclinic offers service in Ankara City Hospital within the body of Geriatrics Department. Services such as screening by cognitive function tests, making diagnosis, starting drug therapy and cognitive rehabilitation suggestions in terms of dementia are carried out by our experienced and expert staff of geriatrists for patients aged 65 and over. Furthermore, many other associated internal diseases are diagnosed and treated in our clinic. If you or your next of kin has memory disorders, we strongly recommend that you should apply to Geriatrics Polyclinic in Ankara City Hospital on the B2 floor without delay.