Forensic Medicine

Consulting/Expertise Services in Forensic Medicine Polyclinic

In accordance with the related articles of Forensic Medicine Polyclinic, members from the other medical specialties are invited to set up a committee for giving an opinion when required.

Our Forensic Medicine Polyclinic services based on examination;

Under The Title of ''Offences Against Physical Integrity'' of Turkish Criminal Code (Law No. 5237) and Under The Scope of The Related Articles

. Evaluation of injuries
. Judicial Reporting as examination and/or file review
. Disability in occupational accidents and road traffic accidents caused symptoms
. Occupational loss of the earning capacity
. Determination of Loss Percentages of General Body Working Capacity, Temporary Incapacity Periods and Caregiver Need Periods and Reporting in accordance with the related regulations.
. Examination and forensic reporting of vulnerable groups such as children, elderly and disabled based on abuse and neglect claims
  Under the scope of Turkish Criminal Code (Law No. 5237) Pursuant to Article 32/1 and 32/2 Evaluation and Reporting of Criminal Responsibility for children or adults
. Under The Scope of Turkish Civil Code (Law No. 4721) Evaluation of The Concept of Legal Liability and Appointment of Guardian
. Sanity and Mental Health Examinations
. Document and Signature Forgery/Ownership Evaluation
. Determination and Reporting of Alcohol and Soporific/Narcotic Use/Disuse or Levels
. DNA Determination and  in case of being ordered by The Public Prosecutor's Office and Courts
. Collection of essential blood, hair and urine samples being a basis to other analyses
. Presumption of paternity or other forensic and genetic analysis and reporting
. Evaluation and Reporting of Medical Malpractice (malpractice)
. Sexual Dysfunctions Ordered By The Civil Courts
. Age Determination
. Forensic and Medical Evaluation of Death and Causes Result in Death Death By Performing Corpse Examination On the Body and Autopsy
. Exhumation

Other than these subject fields, scientific opinion is expressed as ''expert opinion'' in case of being ordered officially or requested in all types of subjects which Forensic Medicine concerns. 

06 Ağustos 2024