Huntington's Disease Polyclinic
06 Eylül 2022

Huntington Disease Polyclinic

Huntington Disease is a genetic disorder affecting movements, behaviors and reminiscence, typically starting at the age of 30-50. Nerve Cells are degenerated gradually in Huntington's disease. Patients with involuntary movements apply most of the time. If either of the parents has genetic abnormality, the possibility of becoming ill is %50. It is believe that there are much more Huntington patients than estimated in our country. Patients and patient relatives are followed in our polyclinic. Genetic tests are performed after genetic counselling. A multidisciplinary approach is applied to our patients with our psychiatrists.

Huntington's Disease Polyclinic

It offers service on Wednesdays in Neurology Orthopedics Hospital on the ground floor.


Deep Brain Stimulation (Brain Pacemaker Procedure) (ÖZELLİKLİ HİZMETLER)

When Parkinson Disease progresses, orally taken medicine may be insufficient, requesting more frequent or higher doses which causes the side effects to increase. If the periods when patients are slow reach more than 4-5 hours per day and involuntary movements deteriorate patients' quality of life despite all the dose adjustments, those patients are followed in Advanced Stage Parkinson's Disease Polyclinic. Those patients are candidates for device-aided treatments. Deep Brain Stimulation (brain pacemaker) is performed for patients who are eligible for surgery by neurosurgeons in our hospital. Apomorphine pump or Levodopa-Carbidopa Intestinal Gel (duodopa) by Percutaneous endoscopic transgastric jejunostomy placement can be performed for patients who are not eligible for surgery. Pacemaker adjustment is carried out and patients who apomorphine or duodopa pump is performed are followed in our Advanced Stage Parkinson's Disease Polyclinic.