Pediatric Gastroenterology

The discipline of Gastroenterology started to offer service within Ankara Bilkent City Hospital in 2019.

The workers and specialists of our clinic had been working in Ankara Pediatrics, Children's Hematology Oncology Training and Research Hospital. In Ankara Bilkent Children's Hospital, we help chronic abdominal pain, reflux, constipation, chronic diarrhea-related symptoms, pediatric patients with feeding fiddiculty / nutritional disorders, pediatric patients with celiac disease, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, liver diseases and pancreas diseases.

Our team consisting of Academic members, pediatric gastroenterologists, pediatric specialists, research fellows, dietitians and nurses perform their duties in polyclinic services and in-the-ward and day-case interventional procedures such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, liver biopsy etc.

We seek for innovative ways to improve our care quality for each child and to overcome the challenges. We offer a range of diagnosis and treatment options in our gastroenterology procedures unit with the latest technology.

If your child is referred to us, your first step is to make an appointment by calling 182

General Titles of Interventional Procedures

Liver biopsy is a procedure performed to detect the severity and/or the reason of the damage in patients with liver disease. A little sample is removed from liver by a special needle. Bleeding tendency of a patient who is decided to undergo biopsy is investigated through blood tests.

The patient is admitted on the day of biopsy and monitored for one night after biopsy in the hospital.

Histopathological Investigation Results come out within 15 days depending on the characteristics of the procedure. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) - Colonoscopy is the examination of esophagus, stomach and the first 10 inches of the small intestine (duodenum) of a patient with an endoscope (caliber 7 and 9 mm)

Large intestine gets narrower to the section where large intestine is joined to small intestine during colonoscopy. Samples is taken for microscopic examination in case of any need. Patients' stomach must be empty, they must stop eating and drinking including water after midnight.

In infants and newborns, families are informed about the duration of fasting.

Sufficient colon cleansing is required for a full examination of colon mucosa during the colonoscopy procedure. The Patient must start a pulp-free diet 3 days before for a well bowel cleansing and the patient must take medication for bowel purge in this period.

No feces are supposed to be left in large intestine to avoid visual obstruction.

Patients are slept by intraveneous anesthetic medication before the procedure and they don't remember anything about the procedure after.

Patients are monitored for 2-3 hours when the procedure ends. Histopathologic Examination Results come out depending on the characteristics of the procedure within 15 days.

Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy is the placement of a feeding tube from anterior abdominal wall to stomach while Jejunostomy (PEG, PEG/J) is the placement of a feeding tube into small intestine.

These tubes can be placed endoscopically or surgically. Patients whom feeding tube is planned to be placed are admitted in the inpatient ward for the procedures to be completed.

Patients are discharged within 1-2 days after Patient/Parents are trained about feeding and ostomy care, Esophageal Band Ligation: Chronic Liver Disease and Hepatic Vascular Diseases and also Cirrhosis, mostly in the lower part, causes vein dilatation (varicose vein) in the esophagus and it bleeds occasionally resulting in life-threatening situations.

It is aimed that risk of bleeding is minimized by this procedure. Procedure Preparations is the same as esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Varicose veins are seen during endoscopy and they are ligated with a rubber band by a special device. This procedure needs to be repeated in different timelines.    

Our Doctors

27 Eylül 2022