Name Surname : Fatma Gül YURDAKUL
Degree : Medical Doctor, Associate professor
Mail adress : fatmagulonder@gmail.com
Tel : +903125526000-90215400
Department : Rheumatology Clinic
Language : English
Specific Areas of Interest : Rheumatology, electroneuromyography, ultrasonography.
Fatma Gül Yurdakul has been graduated from Hacettepe University
Faculty of Medicine taken postgraduate education from Ankara Numune
Training and Research Hospital Physcial Medicine and Rehabilitation
Department between 2006-2011. She has worked as a specialist doctor
at the Karabük University Faculty of Medicine and Ankara Numune
Training and Research Hospital, and currently works as an associate
professor at Ankara City Hospital. Her areas of interest include
rheumatic diseases, electrophysiological examinations, and
examination of the musculoskeletal system by ultrasonography. She is
one of the managers of multicenter studies and biologic- synthetic
targeted DMARD registry in Turkish League Againts Rheumatism.