Name surname : Zeynep KILIÇ
Degree : Medical Doctor, Physiatrist
Mail address : drzeynepk@yahoo.com
Tel : +903125526000-90215500
Division : Orthopaedic Rehabilitation & Pain
Language : English
Specific Areas of Interest : Musculoskeletal and neurophatic pain management, therapeutic exercises, pilates, scoliosis, sarkopeni, osteoporoz, soft tissue/joint injections and neuraltherapy
Dr. Kilic has been working in Ankara
City Hospital department of PM&R since 2019. She has been
graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine in
1996. She worked in the field of family medicine and preventive
medicine for 7 years. And then taken postgraduate education from
Ministery of Health Istanbul 70th Year PM&R Training and Research
Hospital in 2009. In 2013, she established the Home
Neurorehabilitation Service Unit in Ministery of Health Antalya
Atatürk Public Hospital and coordinated this unit for 4 years. She
participated in the National Idiopathic Adolescent Scoliosis
Prevalence Study. Her
primary clinical work is to take care of patients suffering from a
wide variety of chronic pain conditions including osteoarthritis,
Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain, Neuropathic Pain, Lumbar, thoracal and
Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, Chronic Back Pain conditions and
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. She applies soft tissue and joint
injections, neuraltherapy, kinesiotaping and individualized exercise
program in treatment.