Ankara City Hospital, having the highest number of organ transplant surgeries as the biggest hospital in Turkey and Europe performed a heart transplant on 7 years old girl named Ecrin Yorgancı and there is a story of Yağmur Altan who is 5.5 years old, waiting for heart transplantation for herself. Yorgancı family who live in Konya lost their three children having heart failure and their fourth child was born with the same disease. Ecrin whose heart stopped working when she was almost 7 years old, was struggling for her life clinging to machines. Her heart stopped 5 months ago two times consecutively. The Ministry of Health was searching for a donor by urgent calls and finally found one. The little girl won the fight in intensive care unit lasting for months and overcame the struggle of her life. After the surgery performed, she had her name written as 'miracle' of the Medical Literature.
Fadime Yorgancı, the mother of Ecrin said ''we lived in fear of losing her all of a sudden by her heart stopping while she was riding a bicycle or playing. We had lived in fear for 6 years and last year our fear came true. Keeping our eyes on the machine all the time, we started to count her heartbeats and to wait for a heart found to keep her alive. As a mother, it killed me everyday, but now I am fine. The doctors saved my fourth kid. The father Yorgancı said ''I am grateful for the people who brought us the rejoice over this. I lost my three children and the last one was saved by donation last minute. Please donate and save lives!''
''The Cardiovascular Surgeon Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ümit Kervan who performed the little girl's surgery said: ''The patient's condition had been critical, her other organs'd been in danger due to machine-dependency for months. She is a special patient, because it was a miracle that she survived. We have been so impressed by her fight to cling to life. She fought a lot to survive and did it. She avoided a great risk.''
Another patient who has been waiting a donor for heart transplantation in Cardiovascular Hospital Intensive Care Unit among many other patients is Yağmur Altan who is 5.5 years old. After her experience, the mother Aysel Altan said ''I have raised up my daughter with tears, we have been in hospital rooms for years. We came here from İstanbul. We learnt her heart disease when she was 1.5 years old. We have been waiting for the heart to keep her alive. My dear has been struggling for her life in front of my eyes, time is running out, but we still haven't found a heart to keep her alive. She couldn't play around or walk around in the street. A cry for help is for all the people: save my daughter, give a life to somebody when you die.''
Our Chief Physician of The Cardiovascular Hospital Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Özatik said ''Our city hospital is a gigantic health facility where the experienced centers and teams joined together. We have performed 8 surgeries of heart transplantation within 8 months. This is a great success. The works done considering the fact that the hospital and the system is new are very successful. We performed 8 lungs, 15 livers and kidneys transplantation. Our service for the public is ongoing successfully.'' Prof. Dr. Özatik also called for donation.
Click the link to read the news in Turkish: https://www.sabah.com.tr/yasam/2019/09/29/ecrin-mucizeyi-yasadi-kucuk-yagmur-can-bekliyor
06 Eylül 2022