Ankara City Hospital Kidney Transplant Center
Our hospital became operational in February 2019 as the biggest hospital
in Europe. Our Kidney Transplant Center was assessed by The Ministry of
Health The Directorate of Organ and Tissue Transplant Bureau and
authorized by a certificate to perform adult and pediatric kidney
transplant by March 2020. There are 3 polyclinic rooms, transplantation
service ward with 21 beds, intensive care unit with 16 beds and 2
operating theaters only for transplant surgeries in our center. All the
essential tests before surgery such as biochemical, hematologic,
immunological and radiological imaging for kidney transplant from
living-donor are performed within 24 hours as donors and recipients
become ready for surgery within 3-5 days approx. The time period in
kidney transplant from cadaver is much more shorter as surgery
preparations are completed within 6-8 hours.
All patients to be performed kidney transplant on (recipient and donor)
are evaluated by urologists, nephrologists (adult and pediatric), anesthesia, intensive care unit, infectious diseases, immunology and radiology
academic specialists who have experience in the field of kidney
transplant before their final judgment in Kidney Transplant Committee
during pre-operation and after all preparation procedures. All the medical judgments
are registered by signature in The Judgment Book of Ankara City Hospital Transplant Committee.
Kidney Transplant Surgeries are performed by a team of academic
specialists who have performed more than 500 kidney transplant surgeries
including living-donor and cadaver for 20 years successfully. The
follow-ups are carried out by academic physicians who possess medical
specialty in kidney transplantation.
Minimal invasive methods (laparoscopic and robotic) are applied for
kidney transplant surgeries, the same as most of the units in our
hospital. Totally closed surgeries are performed (laparoscopic/robotic)
for givers (donor) Monitorization and Treatment practices in operating
theaters, ICU's and service wards are carried out only by trained and
experienced nurses in kidney transplantation.
We had applicants from many other countries such as Kyrgyzstan,
Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Nijer, Iraq, Syria other than
our citizens with successful kidney transplant surgeries in our Kidney
Transplant Center.
Ankara City Hospital
Kidney Transplant Specialist in Charge