Endometriosis is a chronic disease, seen one out of every ten women in reproductive age, causing labour loss due to pain, contingently infertility, requiring medication treatment and/or surgical treatment. Symptoms such as severe pelvic pain during menstruation, painful intercourse, painful urination or defecation during menstruation, blood in urine or blood in stool during menstruation are the typical symptoms of endometriosis disease. In the occurence of pelvic pain continuing more than six months, you are advised to apply to an obstetrician and gynecologist.
Chronic pelvic pain is a pain, lasting longer than 6 months, causing continuous or episodic pelvic pain, labour loss and psychological indications and finally diminishing quality of life of women. It is observed in %15 of women in reproductive age. Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome is a syndrome which may be caused by gynecological, gastrointestinal, urinary, musculoskeletal and neurological reasons, requiring a multidisciplinary approach.
We provide service for you as our precious patients by a multidisciplinary approach in Ankara City Hospital Maternity and Obstetrics Building, "Chronic Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis Polyclinic located on B1 Floor. In the occurence of endometriosis, all the necessary examination, investigation and advanced screening procedures are carried out depending upon your age, your desire to have a child and type of your pain, in our polyclinic. Furthermore, your medical treatment you need as pharmacotherapy or laparoscopic / open surgery are arranged in our hospital. In the presence of chronic pelvic pain, "multidisciplinary" examination and evaluation, investigation of the reason of your pain and a treatment aimed at the reason of it can be arranged in our hospital.
Remember that, chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis are chronic diseases diminishing women's quality of life. These diseases have treatment options and you can improve your quality of life by an appropriate treatment. In the presence of pain caused by these diseases, you, our precious patients, are welcome to "Chronic Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis Polyclinic.