Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases


Ankara City Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Department has started to provide service since 07.02.2019 The lecturers and the expert staff in the department consist of Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Department, Endotem District Polyclinic and Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Department. Endocrinology Department provides polyclinic service for outpatients and provide service in the wards for inpatients if treatment and/or tests with medication is required in The General Hospital. Additionally, there is one Pre-op Endocrinology Polyclinic located in The Oncology Building for rather endocrinological evaluations of Health Committee patients and patients who are about to undergo surgery. Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Department treats diseases of endocrine glands which are responsible for production and secretion of hormones. Moreover, metabolism disorders including fat, protein and carbonhydrate production/consumption is also another field of interests of the department. The endocrinology specialists working in the department (endocrinologists) provide service considering the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine system diseases.

One of the distinctive features of this department is that stimulant or suppressive tests (dynamic tests) are performed to determine hormone levels during the diagnosis of the diseases. These procedures are mostly ladderlike. Sometimes, completion of the tests takes long time. Diagnosis procedures are mostly carried out in the polyclinics for outpatients, but it is also performed after hospitalization under monitorization when required.

Diagnosis and Treatment The General titles of the Diseases

1. Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)
2. Obesity (Fatness)
3. Metabolic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, gout
4. Thyroid diseases (goiter, thyroid nodules, thyroid function disorders, thyroid cancers)
5. Parathyroid diseases (diseases of endocrine regulating calcium)
6. Metabolic bone diseases such as Osteoporosis (bone thinning)
7. Pituitary Gland Diseases
8. Adrenal (suprarenal gland) diseases
9. Reproduction disorders caused by hormones
10.Disorders of sex development disorders for adults

Which diseases does the department treat?

Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Department treats overactive and underactive functioning of endocrine glands or tumoral diseases.

The diseases and conditions within the fields of interest of the department are stated below in alphabetical order:

Adrenal insufficiency
Adrenal tumor
Bariatric surgery
Growth hormone deficiency
Cushing Syndrome
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes insipidus
Gaves disease
Hashimoto's disease
Pituitary insufficiency
Pituary Adenoms
Klinefelter syndrome
Metabolic Syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Primary aldosteronism
Thyroid Nodules
Thyroid Cancer
Turner Syndrome

Featured Services In The Department of Endocrinology:

1. Ultrasonographic Evaluation (evaluation of thyroid and swollen Lymph Nodes by ultrasonography):

It is a non-invasive screening method applied frequently for evaluation of thyroid diseases. Ultrasonography (USG) is performed to evalute thyroid gland-related problems and to determine whether biopsy evaluation is necessary or not based on the characteristics of the nodule when thyroid nodules are detected. Thyroid nodules are seen in the society too often. It is known that the rate of detection of thyroid nodules only via examination is %5 while the rate of detection by USG is up to %50 Thus, Thyroid USG is a compulsory investigation for detection and evaluation of nodules. Further investigation is required for the patients having thyroid nodules with malignant ultrasonographic characteristics or malignant-appearing lymph nodes. Especially for the patients with malignant thyroid nodule, detection of malignant lymph nodes before their first surgery determines the type of surgery and causes performing dissection of lymph node. The most frequent recurrences are caused by lymph nodes for patients who undergo surgery and under follow-up due to thyroid cancer. Ultrasonographic evaluation of lymph nodes is performed in our center. Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy following USG is the first step to perform in benign/malignant nodule and lymph node distinction.

2. Ultrasonography-guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (thyroid nodule, fine needle aspiration biopsy from lymph nodes):

FNAB is carried out for nodule or nodules based on Ultrasound features. FNAB is an appropriate, cost-effective and trustworthy method to investigate whether the nodules detected by USG are malignant or not. Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy is a procedure easily applied in outpatient polyclinic conditions without administering any drug or local anesthetic agents. The ideal is to carry out the procedure ultrasonography-guided. It is performed by using USG in our department.

3. Ultrasonography-guided Calcitonin thyroglobulin washout from lymph nodes or thyroid nodules:

Metastasis of thyroid cancers mostly affects lymph nodes. It is important for evaluation of thyroid nodules or lymph nodes in terms of malignancy. Washout procedures is required when cytologic evaluation by Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy is inefficient to make a diagnosis. The detection rate of metastatic lymph nodes are up to %100 when washout with cytology is carried out. Calcitonin and thyroglobulin washout procedures for thyroid nodules and lymph nodes are carried out in our department.


Patients are informed first about Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy procedure. A detailed informed consent form about the procedure is given to patients. The patient applies for his/her appointment by already signing the form on the day of the procedure. All the necessary information about the ordered diet before the test if an endocrinological test is to be performed or medicine adjustment is provided. Medical report is prepared and prescribed if supply of medicine from abroad is required. The patient is either hospitalized or the test is taken in the test room of the polyclinic under observation of the registered nurses depending on the test to be performed after the medicine is supplied.

Units of the Department:


1. Ultrasonography (2 rooms)
2. Biopsy (2 rooms)
3. Tanita (Body Composition Analysis) (1 room)
4. Test Room (1 room)

Inpatient Ward (MH1-B3)

1. Ultrasonography-Biopsy (1 room)

How do I undergo examination?

There are two options to apply to Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Polyclinic of our hospital for examination: applying to the help desks directly to take a number without making appointment and admission via Appointment System (appointments can be made via telephone call (182) or internet (MHRS-Centralized Hospital Appointment System) by following the guidelines in the web page opened.

Only 18-year-old and older patients are accepted in our department.

NOTE: Since Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases is the subspecialty of Internal Medicine Department, the patients must be added in the green list by an endocrinologist or internal medicine specialist so that they are able to apply via the appointment system.

Patients who are examined and approved to be hospitalized for investigation and treatment are admitted in the ward immediately based on the bed capacity and the urgent condition of the patient or they are registered in the admission list by the secretary. The patients in the admission list are called by the ward secretary for admission in the ward when one bed becomes available.

IMPORTANT: Centralized Hospital Appointment System (MHRS) is accepted only for outpatient admission during the pandemic in accordance with the instructions of The Ministry of Health.

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